2011年10月11日 星期二

Advice- to give or to get

When I was a child, my parents always gave me advices to help me to make a decision. As I grow up, I get advices from different contexts, such as my teachers, classmates, and friends. Actually, not only the elder people can give me advices, but also friends who are younger than me. I will always remember that the most important advice from my junior classmate which help me to recognize my working environment and get along with the boss well. Until now, we are still good friends.
But when you ask me that if I am a good adviser, I'm not really sure. Usually my friend ask me about my opinion of their love stories, in fact, most people agree that we should not over give our personal opinions just in case they complain you reversely. So I only encourage them to become brave and face the problem between their relationship. Most of time, I prefer to be a listener more than an adviser because I know the most important for them is they feel my empathy.

1 則留言:

  1. Being a listener is really good. It was one of the most important habit.
    One suggestion(not an advice): Could you change the code in your blog from Chinese to English?
